UFR Langues, Centre de langues
The aim of the course is to improve your English skills and make you discover new digital art and literary forms and provide some hindsight about their raison d’être.
Compétences visées
The course and the exam will be given in English. So we expect a good English level on your part (written and oral comprehension skills).
We also expect an artistic sensibility or an open-mindedness that makes you curious towards new art forms and digital literature. In the final exam, your English level as well as the knowledge you might have acquired about digital art and poetry will be rewarded (essay writing and questions on the course).
Organisation de la formation
The first part will focus on Experimental Art. We will try to set up a definition and establish a chronology from 1980 to the present day.
Some topics will be at the center of our attention: Art as an event, Art and science, Art and nature, Art and hybridity, the abolition of the borders of art.
Finally, the class will explore the postmodern cycle and its different tendencies, notably its expressiveness and the new media.
We will then study Cyberart and digital poetry, which question the potential collaboration between cyber creativity and the human imagination. Another interesting aspect is the advent of computer-generated poetry (Nick Montfort) and the different forms that cyber poetry takes (Eduardo Kac’s kinetic poetry, holopoetry and biopoetry, Stéphanie Strickland’s hypermedia poetry, performance poetry, video poetry…).